Wild Forces

Creating more space for
unstoppable women in the outdoors.

Wild Forces is committed to creating more accessible ways for women to learn and experience new things in the outdoors. Women face a unique set of obstacles when it comes to their growth as outdoorsmen from lack of opportunities, intimidation in a male-dominated industry, and the internal challenges we put on ourselves. We believe learning these essential wilderness skills creates a safer and more empowered space on the trail. 


Become a force of impact.

The outdoors offers so many opportunities to excel in certain skills which, with the right tools and support, can promote leadership roles for women. Women teaching women offers real connections and in turn, real inspiration. Wild Forces wants to encourage women to share those skills that they are passionate about in hopes that they will inspire and motivate another to learn more. The chance to share and teach a skill not only helps drive that knowledge further in for the instructor, but also allows a chance to practice their leadership skills with a group. This impact of forces is what we believe leads to a strong community of women that create this cycle of accessible learning opportunities.

Planning outdoor events is overwhelming but we have the experience and resources to make it happen. If you are a woman interested in teaching others, let’s chat and see what we can plan!

“i stand on the sacrifices of a million women before me thinking, what can i do to make this mountain taller so the women after me can see further”

— rupi kuar